HomeDIGITAL MARKETINGWebsite Images: How To Choose Them And Where To Download Them

Website Images: How To Choose Them And Where To Download Them

Finding images for the website is a must to make the site work. Let’s see how to do it and what tools to use to choose the right photos for the business and attract users’ attention.

Images are an integral and essential part of a website’s content: users and search engines like them. Two reasons are enough to take them seriously. Find out where to find and how to choose website images that are effective and why not? Even free.

How To Choose Images For The Website?

The care and attention given to your website’s images must be equal to that which you place in writing a post or in the description of an article of your e-commerce. After all, the aim is always the same: to communicate the message and effectively obtain a positive reaction from the user.

The images in this regard are the most performing you could wish for, as shown by a recent statistic :

  • 67% of customers consider high-quality images necessary when concluding the purchase of a product
  • + 37% is the engagement rate of posts with an image on Facebook compared to those without
  • + 94% views for articles with images compared to content without photos

Website Images: Size Matters!

Not all images, of course, are suitable for various sites: quality and relevance are also two important factors for SEO optimization as a whole. In this perspective, it is necessary to consider the proper formatting of the images.

In short, this is why you should constantly evaluate the size of images for the website and possibly modify them with a graphics program (e.g., Photoshop) before uploading them:

  • Loading time: If the image is too large, the loading time (important for SEO) will suffer, and visitors will abandon it before landing on the page.
  • Backup & Archiving: Lighter content makes remote site saving easier and reduces server storage space.
  • Bandwidth: Files of the right size need less bandwidth resulting in the benefit of the network connection.

What does it mean to optimize images for the site? It means changing them in size (for example, 650 × 450 px) and weight (140/200 Kb). All to the advantage of the use of the page by the user.

Where To Find Free Images For Websites?

We advise you never to download images from Google, for example, without checking the methods of use allowed and not to incur violations that can have very high administrative consequences (fines).

Some platforms provide free photos for websites, i.e., copyright-free photos. Here are some trendy ones:


The platform, signed by Shopify, has a vast database of free high-definition images organized by categories. It is frequently used by those who update and manage e-commerce sites.


The internal search engine (multilingual) allows you to choose many high-quality photos based on the desired topic. The selected photo can be downloaded in the desired format, and you can choose whether to pay the author a coffee, subscribe to the Premium program, or proceed for free and without registration.


As in the case of Pixabay, we are in the presence of an online platform with professional, high-quality images that can be downloaded for free. In this case, photographers ask for photographic credit or the mention of the author of the image.

Five Image Selling Sites You Should Consider

If you have a corporate or professional site, it may be worth investing in images, considering their importance from an optimization/conversion perspective. Below you will find 5 links to paid photo archives made available under license by professional photographers.

  • 123rf.com
  • canva.com
  • fotolia.com
  • istockphoto.com
  • shutterstock.com

Creating your website requires careful analysis of all elements, including images. To raise yourself from doubts and uncertainties and have the guarantee of a product that meets your needs, you can contact the Italia online DIY Site service: an all-encompassing solution that combines the advantages of the turnkey (e.g., customer assistance, site security, and search engine positioning), with the utmost freedom of customization (over 50 templates available). The trial is free for 30 days.

Also Read: The Importance Of SEO For Your Website

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