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Data Residency: Why The Location Of Data Is So Important

Since last year, the storage and processing of the personal data of EU citizens in the USA are no longer possible. Many companies, therefore,...

4 Best Practices For IP Protection & Know About Pirated Software

For a long time, the software industry was no joke in the fight against pirated software. Unsolicited license violations were prosecuted with the same...

Four Trends For Tomorrow’s Software Monetization

Not only do software manufacturers monetize software. Many hardware manufacturers are also starting now. Several trends can be observed here. The world has become more...

What Is Essential In An Antivirus App For Android?

Antivirus App For Android: Do You Need An Antivirus App? Smartphones are popular targets for malware such as viruses or malware. While users of Apple's...

Remote Work – Collaboration From (Almost) Anywhere

Location-Independent Work Is The Trend Don't start your day-to-day work at a fixed workplace in the office, but at home, in a café or a...

Enterprise Software: How To Improve The Usability

User interfaces that are easy to use have become standard in the consumer sector. But there is still a lot of catching up to...

Change Management Processes: 7 Best Practices for Accelerated Software Integration Projects

Complex integration projects in software development are often time-consuming. Seven best practices that companies can use to accelerate change management processes in software integration...

Low-Code Platforms: Soon, No More Code At All?

Companies want more time savings, and developers want to write less code. As a result, low-code platforms are becoming more and more attractive. But...

Rollout Management – The Way To New Software

Rollout management And Its Tasks - A Definition Home office, mobile access to company systems: More and more organizations are thinking about which solution is...

Does Low Code Make Software Developers Obsolete?

Low code platforms are becoming more and more popular. According to Gartner, the topic of low code or no-code development has excellent growth potential....

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