HomeMACHINE LEARNINGDefinition And Explanation: What Is Machine Learning?

Definition And Explanation: What Is Machine Learning?

Topics such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and automation shape the everyday life of companies. Machine learning, in particular, is attracting more and more interest. Currently, comparatively few companies are still using this technology, but this technology is increasing, and more and more applications rely on self-learning programs.

In the following, we will show you how machine learning works and what opportunities arise from using this technology.

What Is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence. The recognition of patterns and regularities and the subsequent derivation of suitable solutions are the tasks of this technology. The basis is provided by existing databases that are required to recognize the pattern. 

Accordingly, the technology generates artificial knowledge based on previous experience. All knowledge that is gained can be generalized and thus used for other problems. This approach enables even anonymous data to be processed and used quickly.

However, human input must be provided for this machine learning process. The relevant systems must be supplied with the applicable data and the appropriate algorithms by a human user. In addition, rules for data analysis and pattern recognition must be defined and recorded. Once these basics are in place, the systems can identify, extract and summarize the relevant data. It is also possible to make forecasts based on previous analyzes.

With the help of machine learning, the probability of occurrence for different scenarios can be calculated. Companies can also use this technology for necessary adjustments to current market developments. Ultimately, machine learning can serve as the basis for process optimization.

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How It Works: How Does Machine Learning Work?

In principle, the way machine learning works is based on human learning. A person learns by differentiating and repeating activities. Repeatedly showing several objects can help a person to distinguish them from other objects. Machine learning also takes a similar approach.

A computer is enabled by a programmer’s commands and corresponding data input to recognize and differentiate between different objects. The provision of relevant data plays a unique role in this learning process. In the learning process, the system can also learn the difference between a person and another object and thus make decisions based on this knowledge.

The programmer acts as a teacher who gives the machine continuous feedback. Conversely, the algorithm developed uses feedback to adapt and optimize the model. This also means that every additional data set fed into the system leads to an adaptation and optimization of the model. The goal is a clear differentiation between objects and people. Machine learning even goes a step further and clarifies that an adaptation to the current conditions can be implemented quickly. In practical use, it is thus possible to react promptly to changed framework conditions and to adapt the action to them. 

What Types Of Machine Learning Are There?

The algorithms play a crucial role in machine learning because they are essential for pattern recognition and subsequent solutions.

In theory, machine learning can be divided into different categories:

  • Active Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • Partially Supervised Learning
  • Supervised Learning

In active learning, the algorithm reacts to the input data using previously specified questions and thus asking for the relevant results. The algorithm selects the questions based on the relevance of the results. The origin of the data does not matter. The data can be available online or offline. In addition, the data can be used multiple times for the learning process.

Empowering learning based on the principle of rewards and punishments. Negative and positive reactions tell the algorithm how to react to different situations.

In unsupervised learning, no target values ​​or rewards are defined before the learning process begins. Often the focus is on learning to cluster. The algorithm tries to differentiate and structure the available data according to independently identified features. Accordingly, a machine can sort individual objects based on their color.

The direct contrast to this is monitored learning because here, example models are defined in advance. For a further assignment of the information, the basic models are specified afterwards. That means: the system learns based on the input and output pairs. In the learning phase, the programmer provides the appropriate values ​​for individual inputs and thus contributes to the learning process. In the end, the system can identify relationships in data.

The partially supervised learning relies on individual supervised and unsupervised learning approaches, making it a mixture of the two methods.

What Are The Advantages Of Using Technology?

Machine learning is supposed to help people work more efficiently and give them more space to be creative. For example, the technology supports the organization and manages large amounts of data or takes on dull and repetitive tasks. Machine learning can also keep people in preparing data by helping to design, save and file paper documents.

Self-learning machines have the potential to take on particularly complex tasks. This includes, for example, the identification of errors or the prognosis of future damage. Especially in medicine, this approach opens up undreamt-of application possibilities and contributes to improving treatment methods. The actual focus of machine learning is on the evaluation and processing of large amounts of data.

What Are The Areas Of Application For Machine Learning?

The range of applications for machine learning is almost limitless. Even today, people are not aware that this technology is working in the background of an application. Machine learning acts as a kind of link between the product and the end-user. 

The streaming providers Netflix and Amazon, in particular, use machine learning to optimize their product range. The social network Facebook uses machine learning to tag people on uploaded images. Facebook is now considered the most extensive database for facial data. The existing data is usually used to optimize the visual recognition further.

On the Internet, machine learning enables the identification of spam emails and the development of suitable spam filters. The relevance of web pages for specific search terms can be determined by machine learning. Machine learning can also differentiate between natural persons and bots in internet activities.

To avoid the interaction of bots, the technology can identify bots based on their patterns and prevent further interaction. Ultimately, digital language assistants also use machine learning for speech and text recognition. In the financial sector, in particular, the technology can be used to prevent fraud.

Conclusion And Outlook

Machine learning is a megatrend and is currently enjoying the interest of the digital world. In particular, the increasing relevance of big data has given machine learning a powerful boost. Because machine learning is about computers taking in vast amounts of data and looking for results, it does not matter whether the data is structured or unstructured. 

The available data can be analyzed quickly and with relatively little hardware expenditure and fed into the learning algorithms. Ultimately, machine learning is the only way to make large amounts of data categorizable, assessable and, depending on the context, sortable by quickly identifying patterns.

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